I am a Track and Field thrower at Quincy University. I am currently a Junior academically and a Sophomore Eligibility wise.
I am an up-and-coming D2 thrower that has been to 3 D2 programs in the last 3 years. My most prominent achievements in D2 are a top 3 finish my freshman year in shotput in the GLVC 2020 Conference and being top 4 in shotput and top 7 in discus in the 2021 GLVC Conference Championship.
Our preferred sponsor
Anything school appropriate.
Greatest successes
Medaling my freshman year at the GLVC Conference Championship.
Key figures for sponsors
I have over 1000 Instagram followers, around 120 Twitter followers, and 130 TikTok followers. I'm hoping to grow my Tiktok account more which is focused more on throwing.