Parkalona Football Club - Sponsorship profile | Sponsoo

Parkalona Football Club

 Dublin 4 Football (Soccer)
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Dear Potential Sponsors We are a newly forming football club taking part in the prestigious UCD Super-league. We are hoping to find a sponsor that would be suited in helping us develop our organisational values and underlying beliefs.


We are a band of brothers, who have been each other's family for 7 years now, we have many former league of ireland football player as well as irish respresentatitives from a range of other sports. As a club we are projected to do very well in this opening season, this is a good sponsorship opportunity as we are playing a high level of football in a location ideal for advertising. Being a college based team, we can draw very large and diverse crowds for games

Reach / Links

Key figures for sponsors

An ever growing social media presence with an active account moderator. Over 3000 profile views within 2 weeks of creation, and that number is only expected to grow 

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