I am the most successful Austrian para-canoeist with a total of 6 World Champion titles and 5 European Champion titles. My sport and I celebrated our debut at the Paralympics in Rio five years ago. I was able to live up to the high expectations and took home the silver medal. Canoe racing is very popular in Germany and especially in Hungary and is also becoming more and more popular in Austria. Since the races of the para-athletes take place within the framework of the non-disabled European and World Championships, this sport also has a large reach.
Reach / Links
Greatest successes
2. Platz WC 2019
7. Platz WM 2019
1. Platz WM 2018
4. Platz EM 2018
2. Platz WM 2017
1. Platz EM 2017
2. Platz WM 2016
2. Platz Paralympics 2016
- 1. Platz WM 2015
Key figures for sponsors
I am mainly active on Facebook and currently have 1020 likes. With an average post, I reach about 1000 people. After World Cup or European Championship results, it's up to 3000. These successes also appear in all of Austria's major newspapers.