Lawn Bowls Isle of Man - Sponsorship offers | Sponsoo

Lawn Bowls Isle of Man

 Onchan Bowls
  • Lawn Bowls Isle of Man are hosting the second British Crown Dependencies lawn bowls test match between the Island, Jersey and Guernsey. Subject to COVID-19 travel and border restrictions, the event is currently scheduled to take place late July/early August 2021 (date tbc).

    We are looking to secure sponsorship which will enable us to run the event and make is as successful as possible. There are significant costs associated with running such an event and your contribution would solely to towards running and promoting the event.

    The sponsor will be the sole one of the event, and we would be wishing to include the following in gratitude of the contribution:
    1. Your branding included in all publications (social media, local news, promotional materials etc)
    2. Dedicated promotion of your brand on our website, social media platforms and any live streaming of the event
    3. Invite members of your team to be VIP's at the event, and present the winners with their trophy/medals on the final day

    price breakdown

    • One time payment of 6,000€0

    Contract period
    Contract start date
    From contract signature
    Contract end date


    Main sponsor

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