ECU Club Equestrian - Sponsorship offers | Sponsoo

ECU Club Equestrian

 Greenville Equestrian
  • Banner placement on our website

    Contract period
    Contract start date
    From contract signature
    Contract end date


    Website ads

  • Perimeter ad hung up at our home shows and hung up on the bleachers at away shows with the following dimensions: The production costs are not included in the price and are to be paid by the sponsor.

    Contract period
    Contract start date
    From contract signature
    Contract end date


    Stadium banners

  • We will use your product and post with it on our social medias. We will tag you in the post. Team members will be required to use and take pictures promoting the product.

    Contract period
    Contract start date
    From contract signature
    Contract end date


    Product placement

Fancybox.bind("[data-fancybox]", { // Your custom options });