1/4-seitige Anzeige im Programmheft
(DIN A5) welches zu jedem Heimspiel kostenfrei erscheint
price breakdown
One time
payment of
Contract period
Contract start date
From contract signature
Contract end date
After fulfilling all contractual obligations (one-off campaign)
Club magazine ads
1/2-seitige Anzeige im Programmheft
(DIN A5) welches zu jedem Heimspiel kostenfrei erscheint
price breakdown
One time
payment of
Contract period
Contract start date
From contract signature
Contract end date
After fulfilling all contractual obligations (one-off campaign)
Club magazine ads
Dauerhafte Anmietung von Bandenfläche in der genutzten Rollsporthalle.
Dadurch Präsentation des Partners bei Heimspielen, durch Nutzung von Bildmaterial in der (über)regionalen Presse, in Social Medias, für sonstige Präsentationen
price breakdown
One time
payment of
Contract period
Contract start date
From contract signature
Contract end date
After fulfilling all contractual obligations (one-off campaign)
Stadium banners
ganzseitige Anzeige im Programmheft
(DIN A5) welches zu jedem Heimspiel kostenfrei erscheint
price breakdown
One time
payment of
Contract period
Contract start date
From contract signature
Contract end date
After fulfilling all contractual obligations (one-off campaign)
Club magazine ads
sold out
Customized Werbung auf den Spielertrikots nach Abstimmung
price breakdown
One time
payment of
Contract period
Contract start date
From contract signature
Contract end date
After fulfilling all contractual obligations (one-off campaign)
Shirt sponsorship
Fancybox.bind("[data-fancybox]", {
// Your custom options