Svenja Hansen - Sponsorship offers | Sponsoo
  • Nutzen Sie meine Reichweite auf Facebook für Ihre Werbung!

    price breakdown

    • One time payment of 250€0

    Contract period
    Contract start date
    From contract signature
    Contract end date
    After fulfilling all contractual obligations (one-off campaign)


    Posts in social networks

  • Logoplatzierung auf dem Reitsportequipment

    price breakdown

    • One time payment of 1,500€0

    Contract period
    Contract start date
    From contract signature
    Contract end date
    After fulfilling all contractual obligations (one-off campaign)


    Product placement

  • Das Komplettpaket für den Sponsor auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene!

    price breakdown

    • One time payment of 5,000€0

    Contract period
    Contract start date
    From contract signature
    Contract end date
    After fulfilling all contractual obligations (one-off campaign)


    Main sponsor

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