Stadium advertising boards - Glossary | Sponsoo

Stadium advertising boards

Stadium advertising boards describe the advertising spaces on the sideline signs, that are often placed right next to the playing field/race track. On a soccer field for example, one can place approximately 240 "running meters" of advertising boards on the sidelines. In professional sports, it has become a trend to add a second row of advertising boards, "cornerboards" or so called "Off-Boards" to create more advertising space. Off-Boards are on the back of the classic advertising boards and are only visible to the people in the stands, what makes them a cheaper option that the classic advertising boards.

Economically thinking, board-sponsoring is one of the most important aspects of sport- sponsorships. For sponsors, it is one of the easiest ways to create visibility in the context of a sporting-event.

Board-advertising usually has a lower cost-per-mille (CPM) than classic billboard-advertising ("Out of Home"- Advertising) - because of two effects:

1. During televised sporting-events, the boards are visible for a huge audience in the background of the actual game.

2. Especially in amateur sports, ad-boards are being booked for a very long time-period. Therefore, the ad is going to be visible for way longer than a traditional bildboard ad and will be noticed by a lot more people during that period. It is especially effective if exisiting sponsorships get renewed, because there will not be any additional costs for producing new boards.

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